Pelvic Support During Labor

On-Call, intuitive manual and somatic touch to support labor.

What’s included:

  • On-Call for 3 weeks around anticipated due date

  • 2 hours of my unique style of hands-on-care which includes:

    • Body “listening” —I can feel what your baby and your body need support in for progression of labor

    • Manual therapy skills including fascial massage, pelvic bone manipulation, scar tissue massage, visceral manipulation (moving the organs), indirect and direct release of the pelvic tissues.

    • Alternative complimentary skills including Reiki, breath coaching, obstetric labor coaching and positioning, positioning of Baby studied under Spinning Babies® and Gillian’s Guide, sound and aroma therapies, somatic therapies.

Investment: $1250

***If you have not planned for on-call services but would like to see if I am available for you currently in labor, please reach out to my assistant Mary to inquire availability. 424.253.8509

Photo Above: Dr. Grace hands on Birthing Mama’s heart and belly while she rests in birthing tub with her husband holding her hand. Courtesy of Birth Photographer in Los Angeles Dear Birth Photography